Users Under 18

To register an account and manage profiles on Caribbeans Connects, users must be 18 years of age or older. For child performers aged 17 and below, profiles can be created on Caribbeans Connects, but the setup and management must be undertaken by their parent or legal guardian. The designated individual should have control over all communications associated with the account.

This rule is implemented to safeguard the safety and privacy of children on Caribbeans Connects, ensure active involvement of parents or legal guardians, and comply with both local and international laws.

What does this mean for new users?

– New users on Caribbeans Connects are required to confirm their age during the sign-up process.
– Parents or legal guardians of users under 18 have the option to create and oversee an account on behalf of their child.
– During the registration process, the parent or legal guardian will use their own name and email address, with the flexibility to set their child’s name as the display name when creating a profile, along with including headshots of the child.
– Verification of the parent or legal guardian’s identity may be requested, and they can contact the Caribbeans Connects team directly. This may involve confirming security information on the account and providing proof of identification.

Caribbeans Connects places a high priority on the safety of our members. These procedures are in place to protect young performers on our platform, ensuring compliance with essential legislation while minimising disruptions for parents and legal guardians.

If you have any questions or concerns about these procedures or need further guidance on creating an account for your child, please reach out to us at